The first in a series on refinement of scientific procedures and laboratory aninial
This report is the first in a series on refinement of scientific procedures and laboratory aninialhusbandry. Its aim is to help those removing blood from animals to do so in the most humaneand efficient way so that any pain, distress or discomfort for the animals is kept to a minimum.The report should also be useful in training courses, or as basic reading before applying for apersonal or project
animals are used in laboratories, mammals
Whenever animals are used in laboratories, minimizing any pain and distress they suffer shouldbe as important an objective as achieving the experimental results. The refinenient ofprocedures to make them more humane should now be an integral part of all scientific research.This is important both from humanitarian concerns and in order to satisfy the requirements ofthe Animals (Scientific
The antimicrobial activity
In this study it was verified the antimicrobial activity of a sample of green propolis originated fromBacharis dracucunlifolia (“alecrim”) against 16 pathogenic microorganisms of the oral cavity (table 1).Microorganisms associated with oral mucosa diseases, dental caries, periapical abscess and periodontitiswere selected for this study. More than 200 different components have been identified in
Pharmacology's article
The aim of this study was to investigate the antimicrobial activity of ethanolic extract and fractionsof Brazilian green propolis (BGP) collected by bees from Baccharis dracunculifolia against 16 oralpathogenic microorganisms. BGP was examinated by Reversed-Phase High-Performance LiquidChromatography (RPHPLC) and its absorption spectra was assessed using UV-Spectrophotometer.Identification of
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